Friday, June 8, 2012

Oh park!

(whenever I say the title of this post in my head it sounds like I'm cursing. weird? maybe. anyone else?)

We are rebels. Rebels without a cause? No. Rebels without a clue of how to be rebels? Quite possibly.

It's spring/summer/not cold here, so we like to go outside, but even more specifically, we like to go to the park. There are three parks within walking distance of our little apartment and we love it. So this one time we went to the park and managed to break every rule they had (well I guess it was just the rules about the swings):

Hold onto chains with both hands
Standing on swings can cause injury; I'm also fairly sure it's an unspoken rule that adults are not supposed to use the baby swings either.
Stand clear of moving swings to avoid contact and possible injury

Don't do this—whatever this is.
 Have no fear, we also got off before we stopped swinging, pushed and twisted empty seat, had an epic battle while on the swings, almost fell off the swings, and almost injured ourselves several times. True some of those things are not actually real rules, but they should be.

*Update: I originally posted that I couldn't post this awesome video from the park because I would definitely die a horrible death. But I've been given permission, so enjoy:

 (Just so you know they thought I was taking a picture not recording them)

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