Friday, June 8, 2012

Oh Rooftop Concert Series Two!

It's June and that means it's time for another rooftop concert! Jill unfortunately had to miss out, but our dear, dear friend Melanie more than made up for our missing third roommate. Here's what you missed:

Performers: Timmy the Teeth, Desert Noises, and The Moth and the Flame
Favorite Part: People watching
Souvenir: Glow Sticks! (It was a challenge, but we managed to get a whopping three glow sticks)

MELANIE! She is so awesome, amazing sauce with a bag of chips. Yes, that is the description I'm using.

JULI! She's just as great as always.

Look at this precious picture of Juli and I.

Ignore the people and look at the mountains. It was beautiful outside that evening. The mountains looked so fantastic.

That brown monster thing was/is/and will always be a mystery to us. But no really, what are you?
After the concert, we enjoyed homemade popsicles (by yours truly if you care) and Sherlock Holmes (the first movie if you really want to know).

Oh park!

(whenever I say the title of this post in my head it sounds like I'm cursing. weird? maybe. anyone else?)

We are rebels. Rebels without a cause? No. Rebels without a clue of how to be rebels? Quite possibly.

It's spring/summer/not cold here, so we like to go outside, but even more specifically, we like to go to the park. There are three parks within walking distance of our little apartment and we love it. So this one time we went to the park and managed to break every rule they had (well I guess it was just the rules about the swings):

Hold onto chains with both hands
Standing on swings can cause injury; I'm also fairly sure it's an unspoken rule that adults are not supposed to use the baby swings either.
Stand clear of moving swings to avoid contact and possible injury

Don't do this—whatever this is.
 Have no fear, we also got off before we stopped swinging, pushed and twisted empty seat, had an epic battle while on the swings, almost fell off the swings, and almost injured ourselves several times. True some of those things are not actually real rules, but they should be.

*Update: I originally posted that I couldn't post this awesome video from the park because I would definitely die a horrible death. But I've been given permission, so enjoy:

 (Just so you know they thought I was taking a picture not recording them)

Oh sickness...

I'm here to apologize for our lack of updates, adventures, and lives for the past few weeks, we've been plagued by disease here at our apartment (and when I say we I mean Jill and Juli). Never fear we have a few things to tell you about in forthcoming posts.

I may be risking my life posting this picture, but it is an adequate representation of how my roommates felt.

We (still meaning Jill and Juli) are possibly getting sick again, so I will do my best to carry on our mission for awesome summer adventures, possibly by myself, or I will just start to video document my roommates' struggle to live 24/7. You may want to start hoping for their quick recovery, since I've recently discovered filming people (i.e. my friends and I) doing random things is incredibly boring.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oh Rooftop Concert Series!

The first of concert of the Rooftop Concert Series was the first weekend in May. Here's the recap:

Performers: Faith Johnson, Ryan Innes, and Peter Breinholt



the scenery
(Due to technical difficulties this is the only video you get, but I will say that Jill likes to dance)

Advice to those going to the next one: get there early, bring a blanket (or even a chair) to sit on, don't sit at the end of the else where people will walk on you, and dance—because dancing makes it better.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oh Zupas!

We love impromptu lunch dates to Zupas...

and collecting trash.

(aren't my roommates such good citizens)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

OH Babies!

What is it about baby animals that makes women so crazy about them? Maybe it's how fluffy they are, or how tiny or clumsy they are. Whatever it is there's just something about them that's just so darn cute!

So when my roommates and I found out about the Baby Animal Birthday Party at Thanksgiving Point, we went crazy and knew we had to be there for it. All for the promise of seeing cute baby animals like this guy:

Of course as we arrive we soon realize that we are the ONLY adults there that didn't come with small children. But we didn't care. You may think going to a petting zoo full of baby animals is for small children and their parents, but you are living in a box my friend, in a box, and we are living OUTSIDE the box, where couches become islands of refuge in a land of lava, grown men watch My Little Pony, and a petting zoo full of baby animals is meant for people of all ages. 

Our friend Melanie also came with us, and as you can tell, was just as excited as we were.

 Sara finally fulfilling a childhood dream inspired by the song we all know so well, Mary had a little Lamb.

My excitement and joy spread to the furniture as well apparently...

Ending the trip with a hay ride and a group photo!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Oh, Y

“Oh, Y, oh why, oh why” we all thought as we slowly got up at 5:00 in the morning.  It was the Friday after finals and the euphoria of our recent freedom somehow pushed us out of our beds.  Summer was here and we were going to make the most of it!  

Our first plan for the summer: Hike the Y.  For me and Sara, it would be our first time up Y mountain.  Sara, our recent graduate, had never in all her years at BYU hiked to the Y (and me, too for that matter).  So we made a promise to ourselves that we would hike it before Sara left happy valley forever.  

First picture I took of Provo Valley.  Probably around 5:30 am.

Instead of being rational, lazy people who hike the Y during normal hours of the day we decided to rise before the sun to hike the mountain as the sun rose to light the valley.  It was still dark when we began our trek.  We forgot flash lights but luckily there was enough light that we could see that path.  Jill’s handy-dandy cellphone light did the rest.

Enjoying the view in BYU blue.
Sara resting and enjoying the view.
We stopped several times up the trail to get a breather for those not used to high altitude and to take pictures.  I took more than enough.  I only wish I had a better camera that would capture the beauty, color, and vastness of the view.

We passed the time singing random songs, particularly Disney songs and the oldies.  I took a picture of Hailey doing the classic Little Mermaid pose on the rock.
Hailey on the Little Mermaid Rock.
 Once, when we stopped at a bend, an old man (one of many) came blazing up the trail.  He saw the four of us resting and said, “Come on, girls!!”  Before we could respond he was already around the bend.  Goodness, that man could walk fast!  Even wearing a knee brace and carrying a walking stick, he by-passed us quickly.  Feeling a little sheepish, we continued on.
The trail that we blaze! And the place where the old man passed us up.
Jill contemplating life and it's mysteries.
Sara taking a break.
This does not show the gorgeous colors but you should get the idea.
Us being silly
Our first sight of the Y.

Several breaks, pictures, and ten switchbacks later, we found ourselves near the bottom of the Y.  Sara and I had finally made it!  Yes, we were passed by many robust old men on the way up and back, but we made it.  We took our time taking pictures, being silly, and admiring the view.

"Yay, we made it."  (Yes, my eyes are closed but this is the only picture I have of this.)
B - Y - U
Don't fall, Jill.
Sara has conquered the Y.
Sara kicking the Y.


Ha ha

More Prettiness

Hailey and Sara hanging out with the Y.  Sara, you look so ... excited...

As we were taking pictures, a good-looking young man came walking up behind us.  I was going to take a picture of Hailey but he was in the background so I didn’t.  (Now, I wish I did and you’ll see why.)  He looked toward the camera behind Hailey with a vacillating expression on his face.  From my view it looked like he purposefully posed in the back of my supposed picture.  We left a few minutes later.  I looked back at him as we walked away.  He was sitting where we were, looking at his laptop.  Only a few minutes after that, he came jogging down from behind us.  As he passed, he said, “Sorry if I got into any of your pictures.”  Hailey responded with, “No worries, we’ll treasure them all the more for it.”  He looked back at us, smiled sheepishly, and jogged down the hill a little faster that before while the rest of us gasped and laughed at Hailey’s audacity.   I wish I had taken that picture so we could record that funny moment and truly “treasure” it like Hailey said.  Oh well…

As we came back down the mountain we sang our favorite Disney songs.  At a switchback halfway down the mountain a middle aged man stood on one of the benches, holding a wooden walking stick and gazing out over the valley.   We were singing loudly and tromping down the hill toward him. When we reached him he said, “You know why girls sing so much?”  We thought and said, “Umm…Why?”  He answered with, “Because they can.”  Uh, okay, was that supposed to be a compliment?  I wasn’t sure because I thought we sounded like a crazy bunch of girls who were slaughtering their favorite Disney songs.  Ah, well.  Apparently he thought we sounded good.  That’s laughable.

After we finished the hike we went to Kneaders for their all-you-can-eat French toast.   They have, by far, the best French toast I have ever had.  The bread was flavorful, thick, and fluffy but not so dense that you could only eat one piece.  Their syrup was just how I like it—Homemade style.  In other words, it was not the nasty, fake crap you buy from the store.  It was liquidy, sugary, and delicious.  (Mmm…now I’m craving French toast.)  Breakfast was a great way to celebrate our accomplishment.  We had conquered Y mountain even before our day truly began.  I felt like we had achieved something great.
My meal that morning.  Sorry, I couldn't resist.